Tag: Economy
Close up: Wala’a Essam al-Boushi
by Omniat Mohamed | 2020-03-18 | Society
In September 2019, Sudan’s first ministerial cabinet since the removal of the country’s longtime President Omar al-Bashir took its oath. Among the new cabinet members, Wala’a Essam al-Boushi, sworn in as Minister of Youth and Sports.
Barriers to education: Disabilities
by Idreis Abdallah | 2020-03-12 | Society
Disability should not constitute a barrier to education. However, in Sudan, a lack of institutions, support services and infrastructure detrimentally affect the education of students with disabilities.
Parties oscillating between exclusion and tenacity
by Adam Mohamed Ahmed | 2020-03-11 | Politics
What is the future role of established political parties in Sudan, especially those accused of having worked with the ousted regime of Omar al-Bashir – will they play a role in the Sudanese political scene or will they be relegated to the dust bin of history?
Relearning how to educate
by Elzahraa Jadallah | 2020-03-07 | Society
For the last 30 years, Sudan’s education system suffered a significant decline, both in terms of infrastructure and the quality of education itself. The transitional government promised to transform the education system.
‘Tasgut bas’
by Hassan Faroug | 2020-03-06 | Opinion, Society
‘Tasgut bas‘ (just fall) was the most famous slogan of the Sudanese revolution. Hassan Farouk provides a recap of some of the slogans used by the Sudanese people in their protest against Omar al-Bashir, who was toppled on April 11, 2019.
‘Sudan’s Vein’
by Alaa Eliass | 2020-02-13 | Society
Sudan is facing critical shortages of blood. The supply of life-saving transfusions is insufficient to keep up with demand. In a collaborative effort, various initiatives in Sudan try to meet needs.
Sudan’s banking sector in a confidence crisis
by Hind Ramadan | 2020-02-12 | Economy
The banking sector in Sudan is going through a confidence crisis as citizens are weary of unmet promises of better services, more accountability and transparency.
The struggle of single mothers in Sudan
by Elzahraa Jadallah | 2020-02-09 | Opinion, Society
Women in Sudan hope for greater freedoms and equality in the post-Bashir era. Elzahraa Jadallah comments that restrictive laws and practices have harmed all women, particularly single mothers and divorced women.
In the making: press freedom in Sudan
by Mohamed Ibrahim | 2020-02-08 | Society
In Sudan, exceptional hostility to press freedom was a reality for most of Omar al-Bashir’s 30-year-rule. Bashir’s regime fell in April 2019. Since then, media freedoms have improved – however, challenges abound.
“We tried Islamic rule, what was the result?”
by Musa Hamid | 2020-02-04 | Politics
Dr Haider Ibrahim, a political sociologist and Sudanese intellectual, said in an interview with AlAdwaa.Online that “Islamists have no future in Sudan”.
Can political Islam make it in post-revolution Sudan?
by Musa Hamid | 2020-01-30 | Politics
The 30-year authoritarian rule by the Islamist National Congress Party (NCP) came to an end in April 2019. While Islamists are still active in the military, the security and the civil service, their political future and chances to ascend to power again are uncertain.
Growing polarisation puts pressure on Sudan’s leadership
by Mohamed Al-Amin | 2020-01-29 | Politics
Sudan’s transitional government struggles to contain a growing polarisation across the country. Violence along ethnic identities and divisions puts the nascent leadership under pressure.

Abdelhadi Al-Hag
Abdelrahman Ibrahim
Adam Mohamed Ahmed
Ahmed Abdulghani
Aisha Al-Samany
Alaa Eliass
Anas Alhafiz
Elzahraa Jadallah
Emtenan Alrady
Faiz Abubakr
Hajooj Kuka
Hamid Ibrahim
Hasan Ishag
Hassan Berkia
Hassan Faroug
Israa Dawood
Kefaya Ahmed
Lodan Tariq
Mahir Abu Goukh
Mazza Saleh
Mead Mubarak
Mohamed Al-Amin
Mohamed Ibrahim
Mohamed Saeed
Mohammed Abdel Hafeez
Mohammed Al-Fateh
Musa Hamid
Nasreldine El-Tayyeb
Omar Al-Farouk
Omniat Mohamed
Rafa Renas
Rania Abbas
Rifga Abdallah
Samar Dhaif Allah
Shifa Adam Mohammed
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