Tag: Conservation
Sudan’s transition sparks birdwatcher’s hopes
by Elzahraa Jadallah | 2020-01-02 | Ecology
Awad Mohamed is passionate about birding. For over 10 years he has been documenting Sudan’s birds with little support. With a new government in place, Awad is hopeful that birds and his birdwatching club will receive more attention.
Years of negligence weigh heavy on Sennar
by Idreis Abdallah | 2019-11-11 | Society
Sennar is of historical importance to Sudan, but the town has long struggled with a government unable or unwilling to maintain and develop the infrastructure and life for its residents.
Piles of problems
by Elzahraa Jadallah | 2019-10-04 | Ecology
Waste in Khartoum, which is not being disposed of and recycled as fast as it is being produced, is heaping up around the capital and causing various environmental and health issues.
Diversity at risk
by Alaa Eliass | 2019-09-17 | Ecology
Sudan is vibrant with hundreds of plant and animal species, but violence, pollution and climate change threaten to drive many life forms into extinction.

Abdelhadi Al-Hag
Abdelrahman Ibrahim
Adam Mohamed Ahmed
Ahmed Abdulghani
Aisha Al-Samany
Alaa Eliass
Anas Alhafiz
Elzahraa Jadallah
Emtenan Alrady
Faiz Abubakr
Hajooj Kuka
Hamid Ibrahim
Hasan Ishag
Hassan Berkia
Hassan Faroug
Israa Dawood
Kefaya Ahmed
Lodan Tariq
Mahir Abu Goukh
Mazza Saleh
Mead Mubarak
Mohamed Al-Amin
Mohamed Ibrahim
Mohamed Saeed
Mohammed Abdel Hafeez
Mohammed Al-Fateh
Musa Hamid
Nasreldine El-Tayyeb
Omar Al-Farouk
Omniat Mohamed
Rafa Renas
Rania Abbas
Rifga Abdallah
Samar Dhaif Allah
Shifa Adam Mohammed
حواء رحمة